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Amrita Court Little Breathe 10ml

When it comes to the funny season, we have your youngsters wellbeing protected.

Little Easy Breathe is mild formulation purposely designed for babies and children up to 12 years old to relieve coughs and congestion due to colds, viral infection or hay fever. It has outstanding anti-infectious and anti-viral effects with its ingredients and precision formulation. It serves to relieve respiratory and nasal congestion. Its strong anti-infectious quality help to kill bacteria and viruses. When diffused into room environments, it helps to purify the air, kill disease causing bacteria, molds and viruses.

AU$ 14.28

Product Sku:   V760-K-1
Category: Health & Beauty
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When it comes to the funny season, we have your youngsters wellbeing protected.

Little Easy Breathe is mild formulation purposely designed for babies and children up to 12 years old to relieve coughs and congestion due to colds, viral infection or hay fever. It has outstanding anti-infectious and anti-viral effects with its ingredients and precision formulation. It serves to relieve respiratory and nasal congestion. Its strong anti-infectious quality help to kill bacteria and viruses. When diffused into room environments, it helps to purify the air, kill disease causing bacteria, molds and viruses.

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